Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Fic - Bend me, Break me & FGB Eclipse


My new fic - now online at
FFn - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5917473/1/bend_me_break_me
TWCS - http://www.twcslibrary.com/viewstory.php?sid=1739

Beware - it is gory, twisted, violent - read and heed the warning!
"WOW" has been the consensus of reviews so far, and it was even called an "emotional meat grinder ride"

Because the next Fandom Gives Back author auction is coming up in June - and because I have an amazing team at my back who pimp the fic up and down on twitter, I have decided to once again offer my services for sale!

Code name: #TeamEvisceration

Now what is it that I offer? The EPOV of 'Bend me, Break me'.
You all know this is for a good cause - I will post more details once June is closer - and our goal is to raise as much money as possible. If you want to back me, please PM me or email to teamBMBM@gmail.com - we'll get back to you with the information as we have it!

Until then I hope you enjoy reading the story - I personally think it's the best thing I have written so far! I will in the meantime work on ABD and the fic for last year's FGB auction that I still owe the lively five ladies who joined forces in my name (a romantic comedy fluff fest - as much as I am capable of succumbing to fluff!)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

HBR reposted

Hi folks!

As several of you asked for it, I reposted Heartbreak Remedy @ The Writer's Coffee Shop Library -


feel free to review and rate the story and different chapters with their neat coffee cups, but please, if you do so, be fair and also rate the chapters you liked high and not just those you have a beef with low. thanks!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ABD chapter 12 notes

Not quite the picture I've been looking for to present the notes for ch12, but I still found it oddly fitting.

Links for posted chapter here:
Livejournal: http://dariaabd.livejournal.com/3326.html
googlesites: https://sites.google.com/site/dariachenowith/abd/chapter-12-1
TWCS Library: http://www.twcslibrary.com/viewstory.php?sid=1383&chapter=12

Not much to say about the chapter itself, except wooden clothespins = good starting gear, plastic ones usually come in the varieties from nasty to omfg eek! But it really depends on a person's sensitivity, independent of their usual pain thresholds.

Two new things:
- From now on I will write all A/Ns just here, so if you want to ramble, please return. If not, just go directly to your chosen fix site. If you want me to post anywhere else (except twilighted & fanfiction.net) please tell me and I'll sign up, or please ask the admins there to let me sign up and post.
- Formspring didn't work well, but I'm more than happy to keep answering curious questions. Which I will do here now, and with each subsequent chapter notes. Just leave them in your review, or PM me, or email me, or even reply to this post, and I'll try to answer them next time! I won't post your name or nickname, so ask away. The only thing I won't answer are plot relevant questions that entail too much foreshadowing, and anything that's meant to be offensive.

A/N for chapter 12:
Thank you all for your warm welcome, it's awesome to be back, and I'm sorry it took me so long to post again. But I have a very good reason, several even, one of which was my brief stay in London (which was awesome! Marks & Spencer BLT for the win!); another is that my best friend is pregnant, and requires insane amounts of time from the still stunned godmother-to-be - which kind of conflicts with my smut peddling schedule! I'm sure you'll all understand!

Also thank you everyone who wrote me an email or review, I've been shamefully lazy and didn't reply to even half of them - but I read them, several times, and I love them, and they totally made my day. I'll try to do better next time!!

Kinky Q&A:
(from someone commenting on the formspring link post I deleted a while ago, so I have to wing it a little, but it went like this)

Q: You let Edward explain that he's using several BDSM and bondage sites online for his scene ideas. How do real Doms do that?

A: First off, I'm trying hard to portray Edward as close to reality as I can. Doms are just people, even though you probably shouldn't say that to their face - and like everyone else their minds work in very different ways. Some don't use anything but their imagination and memory; some do research in books, forums, other sites on the net; still others let their subs script the scenes for them, making that task part of the sub's obligations. Any and all variations of that are valid, as are the hundreds I forgot to mention or didn't think about.

Some Doms work with a real script, or one in their head, while others just start at one point and see where everything leads up to. Scenes are an incredibly fluid thing as so much depends on the sub's reaction that you can never fully rely on a set plan. The wonderful thing about writing porn is that you can virtually do everything and it will always work - reality is a long shot from that. It's like what most stories tell about male stamina, and what you're used to at home. Sometimes reality and fiction is close, sometimes very far apart. I try to keep it real, but Murphy's Law is a bitch when it comes to kinky fun.

As for us, I usually come up with the ideas, and once I'm tied up, he runs with them. Works for us.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy reading the chapter!


I own nothing related to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer is the owner of the Twilight series.

All my stories are rated MA/NC-17 and are intended for adults over the age of 18. If the content offends you, please don't read them.