Saturday, June 26, 2010

FGB auction start & BMBM Drabbles

FGBEclipse auctions start in just a little less than 6 hours from now - woooot!

If you haven't yet, join a team, hunt down your favorite writer(s)'s ass(es) and bid on them! It's for a great cause!
If you want to join my own team, please email us at! We're accepting team members until the last day of the auction (Jul 2nd).

In honor the the auction week I'm going to post short drabbles from the BMBM "universe" every day - watch out for them! If you have any questions or were wondering about something mentioned in passing in the story, I'm open to suggestions!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Finally, the official info for teamBMBM is ready!

Auction post:
Forum thread:

If you want to join, we're accepting team members until the last day of the auction - July 2nd! Please email!

What you’re bidding on:
Suit Guy / “E” POV of Bend me, Break me, a 30-50k wild ride that should rival the original story - at least a month before anyone else will get to read it!

Yes, I will post it on FFn and TWCS eventually, but you get it first!

Plus, you get exclusively: A dedication as member of TeamBMBM and a brief (or not so brief) introduction to the story written by me where I explain how the story came to be and its background.

We bid as a team, and after we win the auction, every member has to donate individually - less complications for the team leaders, and the money goes direction from the bidder to ALSF!

To read the whole Info Email for members of TeamBMBM please click here.


I own nothing related to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer is the owner of the Twilight series.

All my stories are rated MA/NC-17 and are intended for adults over the age of 18. If the content offends you, please don't read them.