Friday, August 27, 2010

ABD Chapter 19 Notes

posted at

Not much of a note for this chapter - except for a little Q&A. I let the characters answer what I might have written in response to the reviews (as only about 3 really surprised me, so I could predict what they'd have to say to make my workload lighter, hehe).

A little more kinky infos with the next chapter, promise!

Answers personal and story related:
I like both of them equally, just can't answer all story related ones always as they might mess with the plot - but I'll tell you if that's the case!

Story related Qs:
1. Bella get's sick in this chapter, was it a reaction to Rose's comment and her earlier rendezvous? or is she picturing herself with edward's child and becoming nervous? or is it not mentally related at all?
2/3 sheer physical exhaustion, 1/3 mental distress because of the reason she explains in chapter 19. It had nothing to do with getting pregnant herself.

2. Will Jasper tell Bella about his daddy-potential problem, or not, seeing as they haven't been as close since the incident?
He'll tell her, because he'd feel bad with her being the only one of the four of them (E and Alice included) who doesn't know.

3. Bella's a lot more complex than i gave her credit for. What's one thing about her character (as your character, not S.M's) you cannot stand? Either if she were a person, or in the way you wrote her.
Thank you. It's one of my pet peeves that people assume just because S.M. created Bella the way she did my Bella is like her.
What bugs me about her is her wish to make everyone happy, and she'd rather forgive someone than risk open conflict. It might be a good flaw but in the end it causes more problems than it solves as it leaves her oblivious to the damage she does (did).

Personal Qs:
1. You Top sometimes, don't you? How does that compare to subbing?
Yes, I sometimes top girls (never guys, only when I "help" their Top); it's hard to explain how that compares to bottoming. I like it, I get pleasure from being in charge and in control, when I can live out my mean streak, but I wouldn't want the responsibility for more than a scene. It's a nice change of scenery, so to say, to experience everything from the other side.

2. Your parents - do they know about your kinky side? if so, how'd they find out and how'd they take it?
No, they don't know, and I don't want to tell them. I don't think my mom would understand. I think I would be more at ease with my dad knowing (and I kind of suspect he'd understand better than he probably let on, if you get the hint), but I'm happy they're oblivious of what we do.

3. How many Doms have you had?
I don't remember lol not that many but I don't count. 5 or 6 I think for a longer time, about 10-15 people who have topped me in a scene or two. The longest I've been with my bf, 6 years now. The 2nd longest was 4 months, and didn't end too well. I was somewhat shy to make any commitments the first few years, and the two people who were most involved in introducing me into BDSM I never considered my Dom(me)s outside of the playroom.

That's it for this week - feel free to ask!


  1. Well damn, there are no tips for me to use on lilbluedaisygirl this chapter. LOL

    As you know, I'm not good with the angst, so I'm quite happy to have them talk it out this chapter! :)

  2. Ah, don't worry, the next chapter will be kind of an instruction again, call it a treat from me ;)
    Great that you liked their talk!

  3. Ah, don't worry, the next chapter will be kind of an instruction again, call it a treat from me ;)

    Why do I worry about this? LOL

  4. Just three personal questions this week. Next week will all be story related. Back-and-forth kind of thing. :)

    1. What was the hardest thing for you to overcome? You can look at this question any way you like.

    2. What was your worst (most disliked?) punishment, and what did you do to deserve it?

    3. Have you changed any of your limits from when you first started playing to now, or did you always invision yourself doing what you do now? Maybe an example?



I own nothing related to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer is the owner of the Twilight series.

All my stories are rated MA/NC-17 and are intended for adults over the age of 18. If the content offends you, please don't read them.