Friday, June 1, 2012

Drabble soapbox moment, pt.1

After 25 chapters of my drabble pet project, Letters to Master, I have a couple of things to say. So, if you're interested, below the cut you'll find some background info, images for your enjoyment, and my battle plan should the recent roundup on FFn hit me, too.

If you have any kink-related questions, feel free to ask them, I'll try to answer them all next time! If you want a reply faster, just PM me!

Let's get the uncomfortable stuff out of the way first, shall we?

FFn trouble:
As you all know - and as at least 4 wonderful readers were worrying about yesterday - a lot of fics have been deleted recently. I won't say much about that - it's always a loaded topic, I feel with everyone who lost their stories that way, I hate that - again - it's apparently due to a bunch of hateful people, but we all know that we have been violating the TOS if we've written explicit smut.

If you've been following my stories for a while, you know that I have an account at TWCS where I've cross-posted several of my fics, and I keep a google sites homepage for my stories. The reason why I haven't been updating both, and this blog, for months is that I simply don't have time. But in the event that anything of mine currently not posted there gets deleted I will resume posting there; for ongoing fics I might open a new blogger blog so you can comment. ANY details you'll find here, including the links!

The drabble experience:
I've wanted to write a drabble for a while now (probably a year or so), simply because I didn't believe I'd be able to. Those of you who've been with me from the start, or at least HBR, know that I can easily write a 20.000 words, split-in-two lemon. I've always been a long-winded bitch - both my English and German teachers told me to keep it short, maximum 1.5 times the required length for essays for my final exams - and I had a very hard time keeping to that limit. If I can say something in 1k words instead of 0.1k, I will.

In the end, the deciding factor for me was time - my life has been hell of late, and it's been impossible to make room for writing full-length chapters. During the day I have plenty of time to plot the drabble, though, and I usually type it up while enjoying my morning coffee. I wish I had a little more time to reply to your wonderful reviews, too, but right now I barely make it through the few questions I get.

Two things that I haven't expected when I started the drabble are a) how much fun it is, and b) how much it has been influencing my choice of words. I always use a dictionary and thesaurus for writing, both because I'm trying not to sound like a six-year-old, and because, even though I'm even thinking in English half of the time now, I'm still not a native speaker. On the other hand, I can rarely dive into the true depths of my vocabulary as I tend to write characters that don't speak Shakespearean English. Of late, it has become kind of a game to find just the right word to explain as much as possible with it. Mind you, I don't scour page after page until I find something that sounds interesting, but with only so many words I have each chapter it's more important to make sure that what I've decided to use is a good choice.

As for the content - I'm insanely happy to be back to writing BDSM, and it's amazing that at 25 chapters there's only been one instance of prejudiced shit-shoveling. I am a little taken aback at how many people have commented that I'm "writing something different," but then we all know the state of fanfic kink, right? And I'm back to educating the interested, it seems, though less with my story writing this time. For anyone not knowing, yes, I do speak from experience.

Additional info, storywise:
I think the most asked question, so far, has been about Bella's body. I've mostly avoided answering that as I immensely enjoy simply letting her comment on it, biased as she obviously is. We won't get Edward's POV, so we will likely never know exactly how much is accuracy, and how much is her insecurity speaking.

Because I had this on my hard drive for a while, I think this picture represents her beautifully.
Why I've decided to write her with a little more flesh on her hips is easy - I'm sick of picture-perfect characters being all insecure about their bodies. I won't claim that just because someone is thin they naturally have to feel beautiful, but the whole thing has become a cliché that makes me gag whenever I encounter it. Only when you've had people judge you at a single glance alone you know how being 'fat' feels, being a size 4 instead of 2 doesn't come anywhere close to that. And guess who's not a size 2, either.
Also, while I've been working on HBR and ABD a couple of people have asked me if everyone into BDSM is as beautiful and fit as the porn stars, which has surprised me a lot. So, here you have the result of that.

Speaking of flaws, Edward might be a bit on the ruggedly handsome side, but he's not drop dead gorgeous, either, his dick doesn't make women swoon and men go green with envy, and, for fuck's sake, the guy can't even type five sentences without racking up a slew of typos, 'perfect' is a long shot from that. And I'm so not done with deconstructing myths there, yet!

Now, in the past I've sometimes posted a couple of pics to go with my scenes, and while I didn't want to do this for the drabble - for time reasons mostly, again - here are a couple to help your imagination / for your enjoyment!
Mind you, I don't write my scenes describing pictures, I describe how it looks inside my head, then curse endlessly because I never find what I've been talking about when I need it!

We started - and still are at - some basic breast bondage (imagine somewhat more boobage going on, plz).
From the back, this looks something like that (including arms tied to the harness in the pic)

In the first scene -
B didn't have her arms attached to the rope harness yet, in the second part, she does. Her upper body is thus propped up on her arms somewhat, elevating it so that she has a nice view of what's going on farther down.

Now, imagine the whole setup something like this:

Just without the scaffolding, and against the wall directly behind her head. This also happens to be from one of my favorite Claire Dames' shoots, go figure.

This is not a very comfortable position, even if you're mostly lying down / sitting. Then again, what is in bondage?

Thank you all for your excitement, patience, kind words and screaming for more!


  1. I'm loving your drabble. I've always been a big fan from HBR and ABD. I'm hoping when you get more time that you will continue The Game of Three.

  2. As one of your new readers getting an education, thanks for the explanations and visuals.

    You already know that I think you are spanking the shit out of the drabble format ;)



I own nothing related to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer is the owner of the Twilight series.

All my stories are rated MA/NC-17 and are intended for adults over the age of 18. If the content offends you, please don't read them.