Sunday, August 22, 2010

ABD chapter 18 notes

posted at

Not a very long A/N as I'm too messed up right now to write one. Just a few things:

- The story now has its own facebook page - as you can see in the sidebar. I'm going to double post any notes on the blog and there. I'd also like to move any discussions that might come up to there as anyone can read and answer them who has a fb account. And you can be like me and make one just for fanfic purposes ;)

- If anyone's interested in re-reading Heartbreak Remedy, I put HBR, split into the single chapters, up onto my google sites archive. And because I still get surprised comments, to HBR and ABD also belong the two one-shots 'Fragile' and 'Doctor's Visit' and the smutty ficlette 'Duck You Gently' that you can find here.

- I'm still not done with Suit Guy POV for FGB Eclipse, so if you didn't join the team you have to wait even longer. Sorry but life is too busy right now, I barely got the ABD chapter done this week, short as it is.

That's it from me. Once I feel able to I'll add an extra blog post and note on FB with the things I wanted to explain along the reactions I got for chapter 17.


  1. Questions for you. :) (i have both personal, and story related questions for you this time around as well. which do you prefer?)

    1. Bella get's sick in this chapter, was it a reaction to Rose's comment and her earlier rendezvous? or is she picturing herself with edward's child and becoming nervous? or is it not mentally related at all?
    2. Will Jasper tell Bella about his daddy-potential problem, or not, seeing as they haven't been as close since the incident?
    3. Bella's a lot more complex than i gave her credit for. What's one thing about her character (as your character, not S.M's) you cannot stand? Either if she were a person, or in the way you wrote her.

    1. You Top sometimes, don't you? How does that compare to subbing?
    2. Your parents - do they know about your kinky side? if so, how'd they find out and how'd they take it?
    3. How many Doms have you had?

  2. thanks! if you look at the note for ch19 you get your answers :)



I own nothing related to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer is the owner of the Twilight series.

All my stories are rated MA/NC-17 and are intended for adults over the age of 18. If the content offends you, please don't read them.