Monday, March 21, 2011

ABD Chapter 32 notes

Now that FFn let me post - with a work around solution - the chapter is online everwhere!

Hope you enjoy the chapter - comments very much appreciated this time ;)


  1. I'm with Edward I would like to know what he did. Of course we are reading his pov so that's probably why I'm so confused.

  2. wow, what an emotional chapter. to go from last chapter with the intense role play to the break down of the love/friend/fuck dynamic. When Edward says"What you say to a friend is different that to the one you love", it's so profound. It seems like that's exactly what's gonging on and they need to get back to establishing the distinction between the roles. It seems like E&B have lost their D/s roles in all this too. I hope this isn't the destruction of the E&B! I hope Jasper moves out and they can regain the balance in both the love and the friendship relationships and their D/s & teacher roles reestablished.

    So confused at the end, what was B & J going on about? What did E walk into? and why exactly is he the asshole?

    Great chapter!

  3. Wow! You covered a lot of ground with Alice there. But I am clueless as to what is going on with E&B&J. It pains me to see them all hurting. I feel sorry for all four of them.

  4. Ok, so after 12 straight hours of reading the story and your blog, with two bathroom breaks, one proper meal and a lot of snacking, it's now 4:20 am and I should be sleeping. But I thought I'd just post a quick comment here to let you know that you are responcible for the previous sentence and me ignoring everyone today.

    I hope you're proud of yourself.

    Cos you sure as hell should be. Fuck me sideways on a bicycle, your story is just full of awesomes. Probably the best fanfic I've read. In part because there is no fucking Jacob (pun intended - it's late, ok) because I hate that character so much. But mostly because I really like the way you've crafted the characters and their development. I love that they are not the insipid puppets that Smeyer created, and that a lot of fanfic writers stay so true to I might as well just read Twilight over and over. And thank you insanely for making Alice tone down her annoying perkiness. I have never found that/her endearing, and a pet peeve of mine is people refering to her as a pixie. I can't remember if you've done that, but it just irks me to no end.

    I'm not going to bore you with my literary analysis, as I've been told nobody cares about such inane things but me... So basically blah blah blah...

    *insert sound of Charlie Brown's teacher here*

    A short aside: I hate cliffhangers with a passion. I see them as manipulative and they make me reluctant to continue reading out of principle, which poses a problem now that I'm caught up with your posting of the story. I think you said there were going to be around 40 or so chapters, so if you don't hear from me again, it's most likely because I've decided to stop reading and may pick up the story again once it's finished. Don't take this the wrong way, I just don't like being left at the edge of my seat. Repeatedly.

    So yeah, good night. Or something.



I own nothing related to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer is the owner of the Twilight series.

All my stories are rated MA/NC-17 and are intended for adults over the age of 18. If the content offends you, please don't read them.